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Make carpet cleaning easy with the FIRST cordless carpet cleaner, ONEPWR SmartWash #satisfyingvideo


@samk6611 says:

Same time Yes. But after hours NOPE.

@johnjkizer6399 says:

Try that on a dry spill you will NOT get the same results

@Waro.offical says:

Now that’s an ad

@smoothguy4214 says:

Ppl don’t realize when u have kids didn’t noe they spill something it sat in for a while then try to vacuum it up it u catch it right away of course it will come up smh

@Chandler1465fn5 says:

That’s not even carpet🤦‍♀️

@pinklady4772 says:

Its still wet, of course its coming right out.😅

@braniganirby3586 says:


@DeniseRyan-f2j says:

Leave it to soak in firdt
Then try cleaning it🤔

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