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Dyson V8 vs Wyze vacuum

Wyze cordless vacuum (affiliate link)

Reblogged 3 months ago from


@ToolsElectroDIY says:

Wyze cordless vacuum (affiliate link)

@Zuzzanna says:

I keep my Braun, Dyson is way to complicated to clean.

@Boosted_C8 says:

On hard floors vaccums are vaccums really. A cheap one can close enough match a premium one to justify not spending the extra money. On the carpet and thick carpet is where it really counts.

@eumakant says:

dyson is sealed system its also the cheapest sealed system vacuum i can buy say in nz

@Quan5021 says:

why are you using fluffy roller on carpet😭

@marcoreyes3397 says:

Looks like he holds the dyson back to march the speed of the wyze

@deyh5664 says:

Cheers bro. Love your channel

@askme8592 says:

The Dyson looks better made and more attractive

@retromonkey8 says:

bro its dry rice on hard floor and the lowest pile carpet anyone has ever seen…. shit video.

@whythoughmhmm says:

get what ever tf u want

@zbatchDOC says:

Cats cause schizophrenia. Look it up

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